Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Point Is Not Where It Leads

This beautiful little shred of wisdom is from the journals of Jaimal Nikos Yogis, an author and writer from San Francisco. He posts photos of his notebook pages on his blog, which you can visit here. Yogis lives and surfs at Ocean Beach, a place that's inspired a lot of artists over the years. (Incidentally, it's also one of the five places I'd think about moving to if I had to leave the Island. The others: the Eastern Shore, the Muskokas, the Alentejo, and probably somewhere as-yet-to-be-determined in New South Wales.)

Tonight's music is a live version of "Neon Bible" by Arcade Fire.


Anonymous said...

I like your list of back-up homelands, though of course we hope you won't have to use them. :)

Unknown said...

agreed, but at least NSW would be close to you guys in NZ...